Sunday, December 27, 2009

Obama biography

Born to a Kenyan ancestor and an American mother, Barack Obama has a multiracial heritage. He fabricated history aback he was adopted as the 44th Admiral of the United States of America, as he is the aboriginal African American to authority this post. Though, adolescent and amateur as he has not spent abundant time in Washington, Barack Obama has formed for the aftermost twenty years as a association organizer, a civilian rights attorney, a built-in law professor, a Sate Agent and afresh U.S. Senator.

Commonly alleged �Barry� throughout his childhood, he was born, Barack Hussein Obama II on August 4th 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father, Barack Obama Sr. was of Luo ethnicity of Kenya. Hussein was their average name as Barack Obama Sr.�s ancestor had adopted Islam but originally they were Christians. Barack�s mother, Ann Dunham was an American brought up in Kansas State. His parents met during academy at University of Hawaii at Manoa, area his ancestor had appear as a adopted student. They got affiliated and Obama was built-in soon. Aback Barack Obama was two years old, his parents afar and afterwards afar in 1964. Obama and his mother afresh came to break with his affectionate grandparents in Manoa district.

Meanwhile his ancestor accustomed masters in Economics amount from Harvard afterwards which he confused aback to Kenya. Anatomy his father�s added marriage, Barack has two half-sisters and bristles bisected brothers, all of them in Kenya. His ancestor became Accounts Minister in Kenya and eventually died in a alley blow in the year 1982. Before his death, his ancestor met Obama alone already in 1971 aback he visited Hawaii. So all he knows about his ancestor is through his belief and photographs. Obama�s mother affiliated an Indonesian apprentice Lolo Soetoro while they were in Manoa. In 1967, Obama with his mother and footfall ancestor confused to Jakarta, Indonesia. It was the time when, Suharto came to the ability in Indonesia and all association and acceptance belief away were alleged aback to their home land. Obama�s alone bisected sister from his mother�s side, Maya Soetoro-Ng, was built-in in Jakarta. In Indonesia, Barack abounding all bounded schools area the average of accent was Indonesian. Till his fourth brand he backward in Indonesia; afterwards which he confused with his grandparents in Honolulu, Hawaii. He backward with him till his graduation.

Barack Obama

Barack Obama has accustomed that he struggled through his antecedent adolescence years to acquisition answers about his multicultural, multi ancestral heritage. As a actual baby adolescent he begin difficult to acquire such all-inclusive differences amid his mother and father�s bark color. In his own words he says that he had a average chic upbringing. During his boyish years, he alike acclimated cocaine, marijuana and booze to accord with his centralized conflicts, article which he regretted later. Now, he thinks it was a big aberration and he was about wrong. He never affected actionable drugs afresh afterwards those years.

After aerial school, Barack confused to Los Angeles and advised at the Occidental Academy for two years; from there to Columbia Academy in New York. He majored in Political Science with specialization in International relations in 1983. In the concurrently his ancestor had died in Kenya in 1982. Barack Obama confused to Chicago afterwards spending four years in New York and alive at Business International Corporation and New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG). He was assassin as Association organizer by Developing Communities Project, a abbey based association organization. The alignment capital a adolescent atramentous man to advice them coact with atramentous churches in the south side. From 1985 to 1988, Obama formed there as Administrator of the organization. He helped blacks action for their rights from the burghal government. He formed to advance the active altitude of poor neighborhoods which faced crimes unemployment. Alive in a baby alignment accomplished him authoritative skills. He was consistently acceptable with words and was accustomed for authoritative speeches which bodies could emotionally affix to. He formed with Saul Alinsky whose adjustment was �agitation� which meant accepting bodies affronted abundant about their accustomed accompaniment of things that they are accountable to booty some footfall and do something. During his administration at Developing Communities Project, the agents at this alignment grew from 1 to 13 and so did their budget. Then, he formed as adviser and adviser for Gamaliel Foundation, a association acclimation institute. It was 1988 aback we aboriginal catholic to Europe and afresh to Kenya for few weeks, area he met his fathers ancestors for the aboriginal time.

Barack Obama acquainted that law was a average which could facilitate activism and association organization. So in backward 1988, he entered Harvard Law School. In his added year at college, in 1990, he was adopted as the admiral of law review. This role appropriate him to be editor- in-chief and administrator of law analysis agents of about 80 editors. As he was the aboriginal atramentous to be adopted for this position, it was a broadly appear and abundant publicized event. It had taken Obama continued sessions of altercation with conservatives to abutment him. While still in law academy in 1989, he formed as an accessory at Sidley and Austin law firms. He met his approaching wife Michelle, additionally a lawyer, here. Newton Minnow was a managing accomplice here. Minnow, afterwards alien him to abounding of the Chicago�s top leaders. In the summertime of 1990, he formed at Hopkins and Sutter and assuredly accelerating from Harvard in 1991; afterwards which he afresh confused aback to Chicago area he accomplished as a civilian rights lawyer. His could accept calmly taken up a god job afterwards Harvard but his belief and mother�s article had accomplished him to do article for the association and the beneath advantaged ones. The publicity that he garnered at Harvard, because of his acclamation as aboriginal atramentous admiral of Harvard law review, led him to an action by University of Chicago law academy to address book on ancestral relations. He was offered a acquaintance from the university and an appointment from area he could address the book. In the meantime, afterwards dating for few years and actuality affianced for a year, Barack affiliated Michelle Robinson in 1992. Obama initially anticipation he would complete the book in one year but it took abundant best as it was a account and he included $.25 about his claimed activity also. He catholic to Bali with his wife and wrote best of the allotment of the book there. In mid 1995, the arrangement was published. Book was alleged Dreams From My Father: A Story of Chase and Inheritance. Few months afterwards this advertisement his mother Ann, who had confused to Hawaii from Indonesia in 1994, died of ovarian and uterine cancer. He won the Grammy accolade for the audio adaptation of this book.

Barack Obama Family

Meanwhile, Barack Obama additionally accomplished Built-in Law at University of Chicago Law Academy from 1992- 2004; aboriginal as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996 and afresh as Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004. Barack had additionally abutting Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Galland law abutting as civilian rights attorney. He was an Accessory in this law abutting from 1993 to 1996 and afresh admonition from 1996 to 2004. Barack served on the lath of Admiral Woods Fund of Chicago, Joyce foundation anatomy 1994 to 2002. In 1992, he became the founding affiliate of lath of administrator of Public Allies but accommodated in 1993 and his wife abutting it. All these years in Chicago, he served on lath of admiral of Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Chicago lawyer�s Committee for Civilian Appropriate beneath Law, the Centre for Neighborhood Technology and Lugenia Burns Hope Center.

In 1992 acclamation he had organized better aborigine allotment drives, Project Vote, in history of Chicago from April to October 1992. He had with him a agents of ten and about seven hundred volunteers. They had the ambition of registering about 150,000 African Americans in the accompaniment who were unregistered. It was one of the best acknowledged aborigine allotment drives one had anytime seen. Barack�s assignment led him to run for Illinois Accompaniment Senate. Eventually, he was adopted in 1996 November, afterwards Accompaniment Agent Alice Palmer, as Barack Obama was the alone applicant left, afterwards blow of the petitions were invalidated. He acerb formed for belief reforms and bent amends reform. In 1998, Barack with U.S. agent Paul Simon anesthetized the toughest attack accounts law. It alleged for banning any claimed use of the attack money and any ability accustomed from the lobbyists. Before the law was passed, Illinois was amid the affliction states for attack accounts regulations.

He went on to serve three agreement in the Illinois Accompaniment Senate, from the year 1997 to 2004. Barack absent a primary run for U.S. House of Representatives to Bobby Rush in a actual abutting action in the year 2000. In the year 2003, he anesthetized legislation to aggrandize healthcare advantage to 70,000 accouchement authoritative Kidcare, accompaniment Children�s Bloom allowance program, permanent. The legislation additionally continued bloom allowance to uninsured parents, which added up to added 84,000 parents. Afterwards he begin there were 13 innocent afterlife row inmates, Barrack saw to it that afterlife amends reforms were changed. Also, Illinois became the aboriginal accompaniment area videotaping an claiming became mandatory. Alike Law administration agreed that recording analytic would advice the prosecution�s chances. As the Chairman of Illinois Senate�s Bloom and Human Services Committee, Barack Obama absolutely led a legislation to be anesthetized on ancestral profiling by the police, which agency advancement annal of the race, age and gender of the drivers detained. For low assets families, Obama created Illinois Earned Assets tax acclaim which offered tax relief.

Barack Obama came into civic accent with an alarming accent at July 2004 Democratic Civic Assemblage area he batten adjoin the Bush administration�s behavior on Iraq war. His accent was the highlight of the assemblage and bodies who saw it knew that he was an arising star. Barrack is a abundant orator, at par with Martin Luther King Jr. and generally compared with John F Kennedy. Bodies delay for hours to apprehend him speak. During his presidential attack he drew huge crowd. He has a ability for accord architecture and he loves acclamation crowds. His wife Michelle Robinson is a Harvard Law Academy graduate. Michelle and Barack had their aboriginal daughter, Malia Ann in 1998 and added babe Natasha, accustomed as Sasha in 2001. His added book, Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream was out in October 2006 and he won the Grammy for Best Appear Word Album for audio adaptation of this book too. As a writer, Barack is actual accomplished and is an attentive writer. Barack is a adherent basketball amateur and a Chicago White Sox and Chicago Bears fan. Though his ancestor was brought up with Islamic faith, he was an agnostic by choice, however, Barack follows Christianity.

By average of 2002, he started cerebration about active for U.S. Senate and formally, appear his antagonism in 2003 for U.S. Senate. On 2nd November 2004, he won the acclamation by a abundant achievement allowance and was finally, adopted to the US Senate, afterward which he accommodated from Illinois Accompaniment Senate. Barack Obama became the fifth African American agent in the history to do so. Till 2006, Obama captivated boyhood accessories like Adopted relations, Environment and Public Works, Veteran�s Affairs on Senate committees. He took added above assignments of Committee of Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs at the alpha of 2007. While in U.S. Senate Adopted relations Committee, Barack visited Iraq to attestant the war. In January he alike alien a legislation to end the Iraq war. He went adjoin the accustomed cerebration of U.S. and had the adventuresomeness to argue the war. He additionally catholic to Russia and Africa. Appropriate through his career he has appear about his action to the Iraq war and to accouterment accustomed bloom care, which he focused on alike in the presidential campaign. Obama fabricated efforts to actual the alterity that existed in the accompaniment of Illinois area veterans were accepting beneath affliction allowances as compared to added states. As a aftereffect added affliction claims specialists were assassin for the bounded appointment in Chicago and claims of veterans were re-examined. Apprenticeship was his top antecedence during his Senate years. He anesthetized a legislation to backpack summertime apprenticeship programs which accent mathematics and botheration analytic skills. He formed on to get atramentous colleges acceptable for admission money.

Barack Hussein Obama

As a affiliate of boyhood affair in 109th congress, Barack created legislation to ascendancy accustomed weapon and nuclear actual smuggling. It became a law in 2007. Along with Agent Tom Coburn, Barack Obama anesthetized a law to accompany added accuracy in the system. According to him, every American aborigine has the appropriate to apperceive area his tax money goes and that advice should be fabricated attainable to them. He has formed on accessibility of renewable fuels. In 2007, Barack confronted both the parties and proposed belief legislation which imposed subsidized accumulated jet travel, restrictions on sponsored trips by lobbyists and advice lobbyist�s contributions became mandatory. All these became allotment of the final bill which became a law. He anesthetized legislation area he accustomed that gas stations be accustomed tax credits who accept installed E85 booze refueling pumps. He additionally sponsored a law for accouterment 40 actor $ for commercialization of a amalgam car. In the 110th congress, he helped in creating legislation apropos lobbying and balloter fraud, nuclear agitation and affliction for US aggressive cadre abiding from Afghanistan and Iraq. He anesthetized a bill to advice the families of servicemen who acknowledgment afflicted from these countries and accustomed that the families should get a job aegis of 12 months for demography affliction of their admired ones. Obama sponsored a cardinal of bills in U.S. Senate, 136 in total, of which two of them accept become law. Additionally, he additionally co sponsored 619 bills in his administration at U.S. Senate.

Obama declared his antagonism for the 2008 Democratic Presidential choice in February 2007 at Old Accompaniment Capitol architecture in Springfield, Illinois. Of the ample cardinal of candidates who filed for nominations as presidential candidates, alone two remained in the contest; Agent Hillary Clinton and Obama. On the 3rd of June 2008, Obama became the presumptive nominee, one who is assured of his choice but not clearly appear by the party. In August 2008, Barack Obama accustomed the choice and he was in chase adjoin the republican nominee, John McCain. On November 4, 2008, Obama won the presidential acclamation by a big margin. He delivered his achievement accent at Chicago�s Admission Park in advanced of bags of supporters. There were, not alone civic but, common celebrations on his victory; alike in his father�s home country, Kenya.

His attitude on ethics, affirmation on government transparency, apprenticeship as his antecedence with his ameliorate �No Adolescent larboard behind� and accouterment affordable and attainable bloom affliction to all, has fabricated him a admired of abounding Americans and bodies accept actual aerial hopes from him.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Courtalam Session Started

Full view of Courtallam.

Local people will call this as main falls.

What is special in Courtallam?

This is the closer view of main falls.

Courtallam is the most familiar place which to visit .It is famous two main things.The first one is falls and the another one is mental hospital.The water in the falls is mixed with lots and lots of herbals which have medicinal value.Hence it makes the body healthier and fresher.It acts as as a treatment for many skin diseases and also there is a belief that it cures even mentally disordered persons.

About Courtallam?

This is old main falls.

Courtallam is devoted to Lord Siva. Lord Siva have sent Saint Agastheyar to the south to avoid a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium due to overcrowding in the mount Kailas on his celestial wedding. Another notable feature of Courttalam is Chithra Sabha. This temple contains many inscriptions about Chola and Pandya Kings. Chitra Sabha is made out of medicinal herbs. The wooden carved planks serve as doors. Numerous rivers such as the Chittar River, the Manimuthar River, the Pachaiyar River and the Tambaraparani River originate here.

Dangerous Place

The circle is a deep hole till now the depth of it didn't determined some are telling it is as huge as 10000 elephants.There are many rocks here and there.Many used to stand in the rectangle marked place and they can't balance their weight and fall into the deep hole.Many used to see that for adventurous but its not a good one.Only one was alive in that.On;y one person was there who will go into the deep hole to rescue or to take the dead bodies.He used to say that there is an angel she used to show the dead bodies which got struck in to rocks

Water Supply

This is the pipe line for drinking water supply to local areas.This is healthy and tasty and good for everything.If you keep your hand it will be chill.Water will be purified and supplied even though it is pure.The water is stored in a place called Shenbagadevi .

monkeys are more and more numbers in courtallam .They will roam in groups sometimes individually.It used to take dresses snakes and some times our things too. so be care full with them.

This is the way where water used flow to main falls

By the way to honey falls we can see this place.If you go upside of courtallam hills you will get shenbagadevi falls and then this at last honey falls.But all are too dangerous to claim.

This is that one of the top o f the hill.

This the most favorite place to local place to take bath.This place many used to avoid this place.This photo is taken in summer so the water level is too low .If it is rainy season then that's all no one can stay here.To reach this place you have jump rocks it will be risky but enjoyable one.The color of the water will be pure while seeing you can analyze it.

Old Courtallam

This is another falls called old Courtallam.This is 5 km far from main falls.This is also a very good falls.Its some what far from the villages.It will near to forest.

Tiger Falls

In this falls water will be coming nicely but it's not like other falls.It will be 10 inches that's all.many used avoid this place.But nice place.Tiger came and drank water in this place so it's called tiger falls.This is on the way to old Courtallam. It will be superb to take bath in this place.

Five Falls

This is five falls. In this falls water is divided into five and it is falling so it's five falls.This is very very nice place to visit.The whole area will be cool and some insect sound will be there.It will be nice to hear.Here many fruits will be available there are many shops to shopping.

Five falls is 5 km far from Courtallam.On the way there is a boating place.You can enjoy the place.

Branoor Barder

This is the best place to eat chicken.Here is a hotel called Rahmath famous in that area many people will come from to eat here.then you will be knowing the taste of that.only chicken is available and best one.

Courtallam is 5 km from Shengottai,6 km from Thenkasi,40 km from Thirunelveli,117 km from Thiruvanathapuram.167 km from Madurai.If you are coming by flight means you have to get down in Tuticorin that is the nearest Airport from there nearly 100 km.If you are coming by train then you have to get down in Thenkasi is the best option to come there or you should come to Tirunelveli(ten) by these trains from Chennai Eggmore(ms) Nellaiexpress,Kanyakumariexpress,Annatapuriexpress,,Msguruvayur express EXP from there you have to travel around one and half an hour .Buses Government and travels from Koyambedu.

Download Movies In Internet

Every one is using internet in home,office and everywhere.No one is having time to watch movies by going to you can download movies using torrents.

First you have to install Bit Comet.Using this you can download movies using torrents.Torrent is nothing but a format for downloading movies continuously.

You can get the software in site of file hippo where you can get many soft-wares or search in Google you can get it.

Then install the software in your computer or Laptop.You can find the Bit Comet shortcut in desktop or go to Start then go to all programs you can find it.

Search the movie in Google.After the typing the name of the movie just type torrent.Check the torrent health by checking seeders if many seeders are available then you can download the movie just update the seeders before downloading.You can see the screen shots of the film in that site that you can see the print and analyze you should download the movie or not.

After downloading the torrent it will be saved in desktop or in My Document in that Downloads.Double click the torrent file.It will ask download now you just click that it will be en queued in Bit Comet and start downloading.

In Bit Comet you find the time duration for downloading the full movie.One main thing in this is you should not turn of your computer and you should not disable your internet connection.It will keep on downloading.After downloading the full movie it will make a beep sound so that you can verify torrent download completion.

After download complete you should delete the torrent file from the Bit Comet.The film will be there in C drive download or the drive where you have installed OS downloads.

Orkut Money

A guy lost his girlfriend in a train accident....

but the gal's name nowhere appeared in the dead list. This guy grew up n became IT technical architect in his late 20's, achievement in itself!!

He hired developers from the whole globe and plan to make a software where he could search for his girl friend through the web..

Things went as planned...

n he found her, after losing millions of dollars and 3 long years!!

It was time to shut down the search operation, when the CEO of Google had a
word with this guy n took over this application,

This Software made a whopping 1 billion dollars profit in its first year,

which we today know as ORKUT.

The guy's name is Orkut Büyükkökten . Yes it's named after him only. Today he is paid a hefty sum by Google for the things we do like scrapping. He is expected to b the richest person by 2009..

Orkut Büyükkökten today has 13 assistants to monitor his scrapbook & 8 to

monitor his friends-list. He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about 85,000 scraps!!!

Some other Cool Facts about this guy:

* He gets $12 from Google when every person registers to this website.

* He also gets $10 when you add somebody as a friend.

* He gets $8 when your friend's friend adds you as a friend & gets $6 if

anybody adds you as friend in the resulting chain.

* He gets $5 when you scrap somebody & $4 when somebody scraps you.

* He also gets $200 for each photograph you upload on Orkut.

* He gets $2.5 when you add your friend in the crush-list or in the hot-list.

* He gets $2 when you become somebody's fan.

* He gets $1.5 when somebody else becomes your fan.

* He even gets $1 every time you logout of Orkut.

* He gets $0.5 every time you just change your profile-photograph.

* He also gets $0.5 every time you read your friend's scrap-book & $0.5 every time you view your friend's friend-list.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

100m World Record

The 22-year-old Jamaican recorded a time of 9.58 seconds to shave 0.11 off the mark he set last year when winning gold at the Beijing Olympics.Jamaican Prime Minister Bruce Golding was quick off the mark in congratulating sprint star Usain Bolt on his record-setting 100m World Championship triumph in Berlin on Sunday.

Usain Bolt of Jamaica celebrates after winning the men's 100 metres final during the world athletics championships at the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 16, 2009. Bolt won the race in a time of 9.58 seconds setting a new world record.

Usain Bolt of Jamaica (R) sprints to the finish to win in the men's 100 meters final during the world athletics championships at the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 16, 2009.

Official photo shows Usain Bolt of Jamaica (R) as he crosses the finish line in 9.58 seconds to set a new world record and win the men's 100 metres final at the world athletics championships at the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 16, 2009. Bolt won the race ahead of Tyson Gay of the U.S. who finished second and Powell who placed third.

Usain Bolt of Jamaica embraces mascot 'Berlino' after winning the men's 100 metres final during the world athletics championships at the Olympic stadium in Berlin August 16, 2009. Bolt won the race in a time of 9.58 seconds setting a new world record.

Bolt shatters world record with 9.58

Usain Bolt of Jamaica celebrates after winning in the men's 100 metres final during the world athletics championships at the Olympic stadium in Berlin, August 16, 2009.That is really great record.Let us wait till he make again a new reocord.

Vodafone ZooZoos

Many are thinking that Vodafone zoozoos were cartoons.Some are thinking that is an alien.All your thoughts were wrong.All are human being only.During IPL,many media spends for attracting customers and advertising adds.So Vodafone obviously wanted a piece of the pie.

A few months ago,Vodafone briefed its agency, Ogilvy India, to create uncommon characters – a common thread to link the ads in the campaign together. Rajiv Rao, executive creative director, South Asia, Ogilvy India, tells afaqs! that the only starting point for the team was that the character had to be simple to a stupefying level. And thus, the Zoozoo was born.

Ogilvy experimented with several characters and finally took its love for the term ‘egghead’ one step too far, creating characters that don the colour white (with black dots for eyes and a mouth), have heads resembling eggs, and disproportionately thin bodies.

The idea is to tell the VAS stories in a world akin to, yet different, from humans. The creatures were then given a characterisation.They are to lead simple lives, speak a language of their own (something that sounds like gibberish), move in a certain way, and even emote like human beings, with big frowns or big grins to do the trick. The execution is almost like emoticons. “We even limited the number of emotions to be used, to keep things easy,” says Rao.

A completely Indian concept, Rao lent these characters a name: the Zoozoos. There’s no science to it, he explains – the name just had to be something fun, memorable and catchy, and not a clever one that’s difficult to pronounce.

Ironically, nowhere in the communication does the Zoozoo name pop up, but Rao doesn’t feel that’s much of a problem: it wasn’t a task to popularise the name in the first place.

Currently, some10 films are on air, for service offerings such as Cricket Alerts, Beauty Alerts, Phone Backup, the IPL Contest 1, the IPL Contest 2, Chhota Credit, Vodafone Maps, Vodafone Call Filter, Live Games and Musical Greetings. Each film, shot against a Grey backdrop, has these characters interacting with one another (some storylines even have Zoozoo families) with the product story weaved in.

For instance, the Phone Backup ad (the first in the series) has several Zoozoos lined up to have their faces photocopied through a photocopier, while a tetris towards the end (the messenger in all the ads) announces how Vodafone allows for creating a phonebook backup.

Making of the Zoozoo

No, they aren’t animated characters. They are human beings who were made to wear body suits. “The design of the characters is such that one gets fooled into thinking it is animation,” shrugs Rao, which was indeed the very illusion that had to be created. “In a sense, it is ‘live’ animation!” he quips, referring to the fact that it was all shot live.

Prakash Varma, ad filmmaker, Nirvana Films, has directed the commercials, and reveals that the Zoozoos were a big challenge to create. The practical aspects of how they will move, talk, gesticulate and emote were very important. Essentially, costume design and artwork were crucial elements.

“It took me three weeks of pre-production to understand how it will work,” says Varma. There were two fabrics that were considered for the body suits, and one was rejected for it had too many wrinkles and was shiny. The wrinkles would have shown when the characters moved, thereby shattering the illusion of animation. “So we chose the more practical, thicker fabric,” Varma explains.

The production team divided the outfit into two parts: the body and the head. The body part of the outfit was stuffed with foam in some places, while the head was attached separately. To make it look bigger than a human head, a harder material called Perspex was used, which in turn was stuffed with foam (with scope for ventilation).If one wishes to understand the size of this head, here’s a fact: a human head would typically reach up to the mouth level of this giant Zoozoo head. “We kept the hands and legs thin, which is why we cast women – and occasionally children – wearing the costumes,” says Varma. The thin limbs, contrasted with big bellies and a bulbous head, all add to the illusion that these creatures are ‘smaller’ than humans. Sets were created to suit the size of the Zoozoos.

Cinematically, this ‘size’ was a trick: the creatures look smaller than they actually are on screen, to portray a different world of sorts. For this, the speed of shooting was altered: Nirvana shot it in a high-speed format to make them look the size that they do.

Furthermore, simple sets/backdrops were created and spray painted with neutral Greys – a colour of choice so that attention isn’t diverted from the main characters. For a supposedly ‘outdoor’ shot, even the shadow of a Zoozoo was kept ‘live’ and not done in post production: it was painted in a darker shade of grey on the ground. An even lighting was maintained throughout.

There was virtually no post production work done.

The films were shot by Nirvana in Cape Town, South Africa, with the help of a local production house there, called Platypus. Incidentally, the same combination of people also worked on the ‘Happy to Help’ series last year. When asked whether Cape Town is fast becoming a tourist spot for Vodafone and Nirvana, Varma laughs, saying, “Oh no! It’s just that we are very comfortable with the team there and know what sort of work to expect from them.”

Nagpal adds here that the production cost had to be minimal for unveiling such a large number of commercials. “Otherwise, our production costs would exceed media spends,” he quips.

Zoozoos: storming the digital world

In the digital space, Zoozoos are currently featured on a specially created microsite – here, one can partake in quizzes and contests, including the ‘What kind of Zoozoo are you?’ quiz. Each Zoozoo has a unique set of characteristics and traits allotted to it. The microsite also allows for goodies to be downloaded (including wallpapers, screensavers and ringtones), and offers details on the IPL. With a specially created YouTube channel on the site, the TVCs are provided there for people to watch and share.

Apart from the microsite, a Zoozoo fan page has been created on Facebook, which has more than 5,600 members. Fans have access to special tag-me images, Zoozoo sounds (such as Zoozoo laughter and music tracks) and ad previews. People are also following Zoozoos on Twitter and get updates whenever new commercials go on air.

Zoozoo ads are fast becoming popular on YouTube, and on certain days, claims Nagpal of Vodafone, some of the videos even managed to figure among the most watched lot on the site.

The team behind the Vodafone-Zoozoo work includes Rao, along with Kiran Anthony, Elizabeth Dias, Rajesh Mani, Mehul Patil, Kumar Subramaniam, Kapil Arora, Debaleena Ghosh and Desmond Fernandes.

Sweet Memories

When Gulli-Danda & Kanche (marbles) were more popular than cricket.
When we always had friends to play aais-paais (I Spy), chhepan-chhepai
& pitthoo anytime ...

When we desperately waited for 'Yeh Jo Hai
Jindagi' (Doordarshan serial)
When chitrahaar, vikram-baitaal,
Dada Daadi Ki Kahaniyaanwere so fulfilling.
When there was just one Tv in every five houses and...

When we were going to bed by 9.00pm sharp except for the
'Yeh Jo Hai Jindagi' day ..When Holis & Diwalis meant mostly
hand-made pakwaans and sweets and moms seeking
our help while preparing them ...When Maths teachers were
not worried of our Mummies and papas while slapping/beating us ..
When we were exchanging comics and stamps and
Chacha-Chaudaris & Billus were our heroes ..
When we were in Nanihaals every summer and loved
flying kites and plucking and
eating unripe mangoes and leechies ..
When one movie every Sunday evening on television was more
than asked for and 'ek do teen chaar' and 'Rajani' inspired us ..

When 50 paisa meant at least 10 toffees ...
When left over pages of the last years notebooks were used for rough
work or even fair work ...When 'Chelpark' and 'Natraaj' were
encouraged against 'Reynolds & family' ...

papa' type jokes foolish enough to stop us from laughing ...

When we were not seeing patakhes on Diwalis and gulaalson
Holis as air and noise polluting or allergic agents ...

The list can be endless ...On the serious note I would like
to summarize with ...
When we were using our hearts more than our brains,
even for scientifically brainy activities like 'thinking' and 'deciding' ..
When we were crying and laughing more often,
more openly and more sincerely ..

When we were enjoying our present more than worrying about our future ..
When being emotional was not synonymous to being weak ...

When sharing worries and happiness didn't mean getting
vulnerable to the listener .. When blacks and whites were
the favorite colors instead of greys ...

When journeys also were important and not just the destinations ...

When life was a passenger's sleeper giving enough time and opportunity to enjoy the sceneries from its open and transparent glass windows instead of some super fast's second ac with its curtained, closed and dark windows ... I really miss them(From the bottom of my heart).. don't u?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Who is God???

This is the article i read from a book.It was very nice to see to read.I suggest all should read this at least once.This is my favorite one in my life. Don't you believe in god you must read this.Then you wont talk about that.In ancient India there lived a most virtuous Brahmin who was considered by all to be the best authority on philosophy. One day the local king ordered him to appear before him. When he did so, the king said: "I have three questions that puzzle–even torment–me: Where is God? Why don't I see Him? And what does he do all day? If you can't answer these three questions I will have your head cut off." The Brahmin was appalled and terrified, because the answers to these questions were not just complex, they were impossible to formulate. In other words: he did not know the answers. So his execution date was set.On the morning of that day the Brahmin's teenage son appeared and asked the king if he would release his father if he–the son–would answer the questions. The king agreed, and the son asked that a container of milk be brought to him. It was done.Then the boy asked that the milk be churned into butter. That, too, was done."The first two of your questions are now answered," he told the king.The king objected that he had been given no answers, so the son asked: "Where was the butter before it was churned?""In the milk," replied the king."In what part of the milk?" asked the boy."In all of it.""Just so, agreed the boy, "and in the same way God is within all things and pervades all things.""Why don't I see Him, then," pressed the king."Because you do not 'churn' your mind and refine your perceptions through meditation.If you do that, you will see God. But not otherwise. Now let my father go.""Not at all," insisted the king. "You have not told me what God does all day.""To answer that," said the boy, "we will have to change places. You come stand here and let me sit on the throne."The request was so audacious the king complied, and in a moment he was standing before the enthroned Brahmin boy who told him: "This is the answer.One moment you were here and I was there. Now things are reversed. God perpetually lifts up and casts down every one of us. In one life we are exalted and in another we are brought low–oftentimes in a single life this occurs, and even more than once. Our lives are completely in His hand, and He does with us as He wills." ("He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree." Luke 1:52)The Brahmin was released and his son was given many honors and gifts by the king.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje Macedonia, on August 26, 1910. Her family was of Albanian descent. At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ. At the age of eighteen she left her parental home in Skopje and joined the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish community of nuns with missions in India. After a few months' training in Dublin she was sent to India, where on May 24, 1931, she took her initial vows as a nun. From 1931 to 1948 Mother Teresa taught at St. Mary's High School in Calcutta, but the suffering and poverty she glimpsed outside the convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she received permission from her superiors to leave the convent school and devote herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Providence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. This made it possible for her to extend the scope of her work.
On October 7, 1950, Mother Teresa received permission from the Holy See to start her own order, "The Missionaries of Charity", whose primary task was to love and care for those persons nobody was prepared to look after. In 1965 the Society became an International Religious Family by a decree of Pope Paul VI.
Today the order comprises Active and Contemplative branches of Sisters and Brothers in many countries. In 1963 both the Contemplative branch of the Sisters and the Active branch of the Brothers was founded. In 1979 the Contemplative branch of the Brothers was added, and in 1984 the Priest branch was established.
The Society of Missionaries has spread all over the world, including the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries. They provide effective help to the poorest of the poor in a number of countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and they undertake relief work in the wake of natural catastrophes such as floods, epidemics, and famine, and for refugees. The order also has houses in North America, Europe and Australia, where they take care of the shut-ins, alcoholics, homeless, and AIDS sufferers.
The Missionaries of Charity throughout the world are aided and assisted by Co-Workers who became an official International Association on March 29, 1969. By the 1990s there were over one million Co-Workers in more than 40 countries. Along with the Co-Workers, the lay Missionaries of Charity try to follow Mother Teresa's spirit and charism in their families.
Mother Teresa's work has been recognised and acclaimed throughout the world and she has received a number of awards and distinctions, including the Pope John XXIII Peace Prize (1971) and the Nehru Prize for her promotion of international peace and understanding (1972). She also received the Balzan Prize (1979) and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards.
From nobelprize Peace 1971-1980, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frängsmyr, Editor Irwin Abrams, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1997
This autobiography/biography was first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in
Mother Teresa's date of birth is disputed: "So unconcerned was she about accuracy in relation to the chronicling of her own life, and so disinclined actually to read anything written about her, that for many years and in a succession of books her birthdate was erroneously recorded as 27 August 1910. It even appeared in the Indian Loreto Entrance Book as her date of birth. In fact, as she confided to her friend, co-worker and American author, Eileen Egan, that was the date on which she was christened Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu. The date which marked the beginning of her Christian life was undoubtedly the more important to Mother Teresa, but she was none the less actually born in Skopje, Serbia, on the previous day." (Spink, Kathryn: Mother Teresa: A Complete Authorized Biography, HarperSanFrancisco, 1997.
Mother Teresa died on September 5, 1997.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bomb Finding Ra

Staff at Porfell Wildlife Park and Sanctuary near Liskeard, Cornwall, have been teaching Gambian poached rat Kofi to alert handlers when he detects a mine. Kofi is too small to set off the booby-traps but his acute sense of smell can pick up the scent of the bomb casing.

Rats have been trained in Africa to hunt for land mines but Kofi is the first to undergo the program in Britain.
Handler Wendy Winstanley now plans to contact the Army and the police anti-terror unit to offer her rats' services for use both home and abroad.

She said: "Kofi is amazing, his sniff ability is really incredible. People think of rats as vermin but they are highly intelligent creatures.

"They have a more heightened sense of smell than dogs and because they are so much lighter they have less chance of setting off an explosive.

"Obviously we don't have land mines in this country but I'm so happy with his development that I would be happy to send him to the Gambia if he was required.

"In this country these rats would be excellent at sniffing out bombs. If the anti-terror police wanted me to I would interested and more than happy to train them."

The bomb sniffing training process begins when rats are five weeks old and are weaned from their mothers.Trainers begin socialising the young rats to the sights, sounds, and textures of the world by walking them on wet grass, going for a ride in a lorry and interacting with humans.

Then the sniffer rats are taught to recognise the smell of metal land mine casings in return for a food reward.Thirty sniffer rats are already being used in Mozambique, Africa, and have proved incredibly successful for the detection and removal of land mines.

The rodents are fitted to a leash before scrambling their way over a piece of ground, sniffing out any explosives.A trained rat can clear 100 metres square in 30 minutes, equivalent to two days work for a manual de-miner.

The rats are about 75 cm long (30 inches) and weigh about 1.35 kilograms (3 lbs) which means they can scamper across a minefield without detonating the charges.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Great Wall Of Chinna

The Great wall of China is said to be like a sleeping dragan as streches across deserts,plkains, mountains and plateaus.Many legends have been born over the years based on this wonderful creation by mankind!

The Great Wall of Chinna stands as a testimony to dynastics and wars.You only need to see th is mammoth effort to understand the country, as it streshes to around 6,700 kilometers in length from the east to the west of China.Wow!Built over 2000 years ago,this incredible structure is a huge crowd-pullers.People visit the Great Wall from across the world to experience this amazing creation.It was built between 7th and 8th centuries using a uniqe style of architecture.In those days states built walls to keep away enemies.During the Qin Dynasty,the serperate walls were joined to form a 5000 kilometer barrier.However it was during the Ming Dynasty that the Great Wall was renovated and restored,and more than 1000 kilometers added to it.What is truly amazing here,is the mode of construction.

With an average height of 10 metres and a width of 5 metres,the Wall has been dynasties,hisory and the development of culture over thousands of years. In times when construction equipment was so basic imagine such a breathtaking strructures taking shape! They used a variety of sources such as stones, rubble and even plain earth in certain areas.During the Ming Dynasty, they used bricks, tiles, lime and even granite, in certain parts of Wall.

This impressive Wall employed 300000 troops the Qin Dynasty to bring the Wall together.It is said that soldiers, conscripted labourers and even convicts were brought in to complete the Great Wall. Livivg conditions were poor and work was tough, causing thousands to die during the making of the Great Wall.

Most parts of the Wall have crumbled due to ravages of nature, as well as encroachment my man.Efforts are on to restore the structure and keep it off from total destruction. Wouldn't you visit this historical wonder?Can you name the other name of the other wonders of the ancient?